Tuesday, November 19, 2013


"One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit the present.”
Golda Meir

N.A.A.K.A.’s  mission is to promote education, encourage genealogy, eradicate racism in order to restore our historical and traditional kinships between Native Americans and African Americans.

N.A.A.K.A.’s  sole purpose is to restore the historical legacy created by our two peoples.  The aim of this blog is to promote truth through facts.  If racism is not inherent but learned then it came be unlearned.  My grandmother taught me not to hate a person just because of the color of their skin.  She said “rats come in all colors.”  It is my personal believe that education will help enlighten and sustain this present generation with historical facts of our shared existence.  Education will create a strong foundation of elders and future leaders who will in turn teach and train the next generation.  From time to time I will post interviews with various individuals getting their unique perspective of the issues.  Furthermore, I will encourage my readers to begin their own genealogical research, if they haven’t already, starting with their family oral stories in order to be able to show documentation of their ties by blood and by law. The ultimate purpose is to bring our people back together in harmony by untangling the web of deception caused by the ugliness of racism purposefully bequeathed to us by a false Eurocentric superiority complex.

But before I can begin I need to tell you a little about myself.

I am a citizen of Heaven through my faith in Jesus Christ, a citizen of the United States of America through my birth and one day by faith will be a citizen of the Mvskoke Creek Nation.  I am a descendant of many Mvskoke Creek citizens.  Some with Native blood, some with African blood and some with European blood.  I was formed and fashioned by Ohfvnkv (the One Above) and I am very proud of ALL the blood that runs through my veins.  Hesaketvmese (Master of Breath) makes no mistakes.
In 1979 Loyal Creek money held in trust by the United States Government was released for payment to the descendants of those who sided with the Union during the Civil War.  A rather large percentage of the individuals entitled to this money were “Estelvsti” or black Indians descended from freed slaves. Chief Claude Cox of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation illegally (Black, White and Indian by Claudio Saunt page 129) changed our constitution to only allow descendants of those found on the Dawes Creek “Blood” Rolls to enroll as citizens. Thus, the majority of the money lawfully set aside for individuals went to the Nation because certain individuals had just mysteriously disappeared.

Since my grandfather, George Leonard Perryman, is listed on the Dawes Creek “Freedmen” Rolls, I have been denied citizenship.  My ancestors were at one time Mvskoke Creek Citizens and were listed on several rolls predating the Dawes Roll.  They were interpreters, government officials, preachers, teachers, ranchers, farmers, judges and ordinary men and women.  They spoke Mvskoke Opvnakvn.  They dressed as Mvskoke.  They ate Mvskoke food and followed Mvskoke traditions.  They were Vmestvlke.  You can view more of my genealogical information on the  “thecreekfreedmen” website; http://www.thecreekfreedmen.com/id7.html
Comments and discussions are greatly appreciated and encouraged but must abide by the following guidelines.  Comments must promote a peaceful atmosphere of unity for all nations.  There will be no room for racist attitudes, racist slurs, profanity or name calling.  Racial gossiping will not be tolerated and comments engaging in such filth will be removed. 

“Great Minds discuss ideas.
Average Minds discuss events.
Small Minds discuss people.”
Eleanor Roosevelt

If the heart of the Creator is to see his creation prosper physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and spiritually then why has HIS creation spend so much wasted time and negative energy in tearing down one another?  Together we must start breaking down the wall of racism and by our example teach the rest of the community, the nation and the world to do the same.  We owe it to our ancestors but more importantly we owe it to our children to leave them a better world than we found it.

Next week I will share some of the earliest stories regarding the beginnings of our kinship alliance.

Nettv heren ocvs. 

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