Tuesday, November 12, 2013


"Until lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunters.” 
 - African Proverb

“History has been written by the victors” is a quote attributed to both Winston Churchill and Napoleon Bonaparte.  It doesn’t matter who said it the point remains, it is true.  If history is written for the benefit and glorification of the conquerors then who speaks for the conquered?  A story is like a coin; it has two sides.  The dominate majority naturally controls the stories glorifying their side.   Howard Zinn, author of A Peoples History of the United States says, “Today our history books continue to promote “a giant web of national pretending” fueling half truths as truth. Yet a half truth is still nothing but a whole lie.

Whenever a dominate culture invades and subjects the indigenous populations by force and by conquest there has to be a psychological takeover as well in order to maintain their violent occupation. Literature, history, media and even documents are altered to glorify the culture of the dominant.  Thereby, logically, the opposite side of the coin, the stories of the minority is purposefully and systematically repressed.  In time the defeated minorities inherits and internalizes the dominant cultural values even to the point of accepting their inherent inferiority.  Sadly many become the greatest defenders of their conquerors.  

 Another component of psychological warfare is the power of definition.  Those in power define others to their psychological advantage.  Sun Tzu, author of The Art of War states "In war, practice dissimulation and you will succeed."  Definition creates perception and perception often leads people to act in specific ways, positive or negative towards other groups of people.  An example of the negative consequences of perception is best held by the definition of the word “race.”  It is critical to understand the etymology and purpose of this hateful word.  It is a late 17th century early 18th century social political construct created to purposely show the intellectual differences between make-believe races. 

“The germ of the modern idea of what constitutes “race” emerged in the developments of the 16th to 18th centuries, when Europeans began to distinguish, by means of certain visible, outward features of appearance, people subject to enslavement from those who were not.

For all its social historical salience, race can no longer be considered a valid scientific concept.  In the terms of human genetic science, there is no such thing as race.  The ancestry of every human being is made up of a unique set of thousands of genes. “
The Civilizations of Africa: A History to 1800 by Christopher Ehret; page 9

 There is only one race of people, the human race.  Revelations 7:9 describes the Creator’s creation as representatives of every nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues.  We simply belong to different nationalities, ethnic groups, cultures and languages.  The decisive word of race made those in power feel better about themselves as they continue to degrade human beings into the most profitable world of perpetually forced slave labor and as they continued to occupy more lands that rightfully belonged to the indigenous peoples.  Regrettably, we are still defining ourselves using foreign and prejudicial concepts rather than our own traditional mindsets.  We are not living up to what the Creator created us to be.

I have chosen to write this blog because I and others have decided to take back the power and define ourselves.  We have grown tired of the disrespect shown to our ancestors through hateful comments, fear and moronic bigotry.  It is time to honor our ancestors.  We stand on the shoulders of those who have come before us and it is our responsibility as their descendants to tell their story.  For I am what I am and not what you want me to be. I have chosen to write this blog because I am tired of the lies, the ignorance and misinformation about my ancestors.  . 

After all, the Creator made me and not the people around me.  I no longer will be defined by governmental census box that forces me to choose what they want me to be.  I will no longer be defined by people who believe they have the exclusive right to sum up my entire being the moment they meet me.  I am a complex human being and I do not fit neatly into any one box.  Others can no longer dictate to me what “I am.”  For I am what I am and not what you want me to be.

I am not created in your image!!!!

Next week I will share the vision and purpose of the Native African American Kinship Alliance.

Yafke heren ocvs vtekat

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